Particles found in OSU water, two buildings affected so far


Riley LeCocq, Reporter

Editors note: this article has been undated from a previous version to reflect new information as of 2:45 p.m.

Particulate matter found in the water on Oregon State University’s campus remains unknown as campus and city officials test the water.

Yesterday and today water fountains and sinks and even restrooms in the Student Experience Center and Memorial Union were shut down due to particulate matter found in the water yesterday evening. 

According to MU Director Deb Mott, particles have been detected in buildings beyond the MU and SEC but further information about what they are and how the contamination occurred is up in the air. 

“We found some stuff in the water, we have been flushing out the building and have been in touch with OSU facility services, the City of Corvallis is on site and testing water from different hydrants and stuff like that so we are just trying to find it out,” Mott said. 

According to MU front desk staff Nicole Grindy, restrooms are still open for use and hand sanitizer has been made available while the sinks are closed. 


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