Letter from ASOSU Senate President

Radhika Shah, ASOSU Senate President

Welcome Students!

It’s nice to have everyone back on campus. The summer was short, but relaxing. Now it’s time to get back to work and show everyone what you are capable of!

I would like to give you a few updates on behalf of the Senate of the Associated Students of Oregon State University (ASOSU). With the help of the Executive Branch we will be hosting monthly town hall meetings where you will be informed with what ASOSU has been up to, but also have the opportunity to let us know what’s on your mind. What are ways that we can better serve students? Stay tuned for more information regarding dates, times, and locations. In addition, several of us (President Brundage, JC Chair Kaufman, and I) have begun reviewing the possibility of rewriting the ASOSU constitution. However, this should not be an insular process since all students of Oregon State University are also ASOSU. If you are interested in being a part of this process please plan to attend our meeting on October 5th at 5:00pm in the SEC Student Involvement Lounge.

Lastly, know that Senate meetings are held every Tuesday at 7:00pm in MU 109. You are welcome to sit in on meetings, and put yourself on the speakers list at the end if needed. Minutes will be posted on the website: asosu.oregonstate.edu. And with that, I wish you a successful start to the school year! Please let me know if you need anything.

Radhika Shah,

President, ASOSU Senate

ASOSU Vice President

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