All content by Brian Nguyen
Samantha Giaimo, trained peer and Student Resource Staff member at the Wellness Nook associated with CAPS, working at the front desk in March of 2020. CAPS is currently experiencing high demand from students...
A photo illustration representing the COVID-19 vaccine and a representation of the COVID-19 virus’ structure. Unvaccinated staff and faculty now have to get weekly tests in hopes to minimize the spread...
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, signs requiring masks within Oregon State University buildings were posted up around campus; pictured here are signs in the Memorial Union on the OSU Corvallis, Ore. campus....
Kaitlyn Yanish performing her floor routine in Gill Coliseum against UCLA in 2020. Yanish likes to see her family and spend time with them over the summer, but strives to also make time for training.
Stephen Fitzgerald, OSU Extension fire specialist, meets with partners to discuss strategies for wildfire management. Temperatures increasing on a yearly basis bring worry to Oregon wildfire departments...
Debra, a health corps volunteer, can be seen preparing to give vaccines at the Albany Fairground Emergency facility. Due to decrease in demand for vaccines, Benton County has transitioned to express vaccination...
OSU Baseball junior right-handed pitcher Grant Gambrell winds up on the mound in the 2019 NCAA Regionals at Goss Stadium. Due to the new NCAA policy, student-athletes can now profit from their name, image...
State Senator Sara Gelser represents Senate District 8, which includes Corvallis, Ore.
The Oregon State University president's office is housed in the Kerr Administration building on the Corvallis, Ore. campus.
A banner is displayed in the outfield of Goss Stadium at the rally welcoming back the OSU Baseball team after their 2018 College World Series win in Omaha, Nebraska. The Beavers will be looking to use...
OSU Volleyball senior outside hitter Maddie Goings sets the ball.
Washington senior midfielder Isabella Castro works to beat out OSU sophomore midfielder Sydney Studer (#22) and redshirt freshman defender Maddy Ellsworth (#4). The Huskies and Beavers faced off on Oct....
Danny Mwanga goes for a kick on the field.
Benny's Business Closet, located on the Oregon State University Corvallis, Ore. campus, offers students affordable business attire.
Beth Ray Center for Academic Support on the Oregon State University Corvallis, Ore. campus.
A banner welcoming back the OSU Baseball team after their College World Series win at Goss Stadium in June 2018.
The Department of Public Safety is located on the second floor of Cascade Hall on 17th and Washington Way. Oregon State University's contract with Oregon State Police ends on June 30, and in its place,...
Former OSU Baseball pitcher Matt Boyd delivers a pitch to the plate against California on May 3, 2013. Boyd was selected to the PAC-12 First Team.
Four Oregon State seniors share a moment in their last regular season game after a dominating win in the Civil War on Nov. 28, 2014 in Gill Coliseum before advancing to the NCAA Tournament. From left...
Oregon State teammates congratulate fifth-year senior linebacker Michael Doctor after his game changing pick-six against ASU at home on Nov. 15, 2014 in Reser Stadium.
The ballot drop box in front of the Corvallis Courthouse, Located at 501 SW Madison Ave.
Fresh food lies spread across a cutting board.
Students and their familes head toward Reser Stadium to watch the Fall Family Weekend football game.
Second-year ecological engineering student Dan Hofmann prepares for summer courses outside the Memorial Union in 2017.
Staff work inside Disability Access Services.
Oregon running back Royce Freeman fighting his way through the OSU defense during a previous Civil War match up.
The International Living-Learning Center, located on the South side of campus, houses students partaking in Innovation Nation and the Global Village, as well as students not part of a Living-Learning Community.
Champinefu Lodge, sitting off campus on Madison Avenue, was originally named Avery Lodge.
Luke Heimlich on the mound looking towards home plate as Beaver fans watch.
Steve Clark is the Vice President of University Relations and Marketing. He said the blue light system on campus is evidence that safety is a priority for Oregon State University
(LEFT) Incoming SFC chair Theresa Thurston listens to a budget presentation at an open hearing fall term. (RIGHT) Current committee chair Peter Schwartz moderates the discussion.
Reser Stadium is home to Oregon State University’s football team. OSU’s Athletics Department hosts a team of promoting, advertising and financial directors to market and promote athletics at the university.
Taylor Ricci, a current OSU student and former OSU gymnast, practices high beam during a gymnastics practice in Gladys Valley Gymnastics Center.
Sophomore point guard Mikayla Pivec defends herself against a Colorado University player. Pivec also throws javelin for the women’s track and field team at OSU.
Junior running back Ryan Nall completes a pass during the 2017 Civil War at Autzen Stadium in Eugene. Nall will forego his senior year to enter the NFL draft.
The Book Bin is locally owned and has been family-operated by the same family since 1984. A second location of The Book Bin is in Salem.
Timely warnings are distributed via email to all university students, staff and faculty in the event of a threat to campus safety.
Members of the ASOSU Judicial Council, including Chair Josh Kaufman, second from the left, were sworn in at the ASOSU inauguration on June 2.
Rachel Grisham and Brett Morgan will both graduate this term. Over their term, the two were able to accomplish many of the goals they had set out during their campaign, including lowering the pay the OSU...
Current ASOSU Vice President and Elections Committee Chair Brett Morgan was in part responsible for the election season change this year.
OSU President Ed Ray sits in the Orange Media Network Newsroom and discusses the 2016 State of the University Address.
Senior guard Sydney Wiese boxes out during last year’s game against Concordia. After key players graduated last season, the Beavers are looking for other players to step up and fill their shoes this...
Brian Nguyen
News Contributor
May 5, 2016
Lauren Sluss
News Reporter
April 14, 2016
Brian Nguyen
News Contributor
April 4, 2016
Sarah Weaver
News Reporter
March 31, 2016
Elliot Nelson
News Contributor
March 7, 2016
Brian Nguyen
News Contributor
February 29, 2016
Sarah Weaver
News Contributor
February 29, 2016
Mikayla Pearson
News Contributor
February 29, 2016
Tia Collins
News Contributor
February 25, 2016
Cheyenne Lever
Arts & Entertainment Contributor
February 15, 2016
Iraiza de Vera
Arts & Entertainment Contributor
February 11, 2016
Gender Inclusive Restrooms
David Tran
Arts & Entertainment Contributor
January 26, 2016
Beth Ray Academic Success Center Art
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